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Delicacies from Lebe Gesund

Since 1998, Lebe Gesund has been offering a large selection of high-quality, purely plant-based foods from natural, vegan agriculture without livestock farming.
This pioneering mission is based on ethical and moral values such as the commandment: "Thou shalt not kill" and the Golden Rule of Jesus of Nazareth, which reads: "Do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself". These values also apply to us in our behavior towards animals, nature and Mother Earth as a whole.
After decades of agriculture that is committed to life in and above the soil, it is becoming increasingly clear that fields and arable land are recovering and providing us with powerful grains and aromatic fruits. In times of climate change and all its consequences, this is becoming increasingly important - also as a sustainable basis for life for future generations.
In their own stone mill, bakery and delicatessen, they take care to preserve the life of nature in their food when grinding, baking and preparing it. Because this life has the power to produce valuable food that deserves the name. They are characterized by their content and uniquely good taste, because cultivation and preparation are done in appreciation of Mother Earth.

A jar of wild garlic pesto with wild garlic leaves, nuts and oil behind it.

© Lebe Gesund

Try the delicious bread croutons prepared with the unique seasoning fairy, the hearty stone-milled bread, spicy spreads and aromatic fresh herb pestos directly at the stand.

Discover beautiful gifts for your loved ones, to take away or to order conveniently by Lebe Gesund mail order.

Further information about Lebe Gesund can be found at

Lebe Gesund

Hall 20 | 332

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